News / Media

WARRIOR – Battling infertility, staying sane while trying to conceive

15 March 2019, West Yorkshire, UK Introduction Tori Day spent two and a half years of her life trying to get pregnant. After the months passed by, what started as hopefulness and excitement slowly morphed into frustration, fear, and eventually, obsession. A keen writer and avid journal keeper throughout her…

Check out the new Understanding Fertility report courtesy of The Times & Raconteur, in association with Fertility Network

In 2016 the number of women having children over 40 was higher than the number of women under 20 for the first time since World War II, demonstrating that fertility treatments have come on leaps and bounds. Nonetheless, people all over the world are still plagued with infertility issues. The…

Opinion: A national disgrace, the IVF postcode lottery

If you need IVF to start a family, expect to pay for it – that’s the appalling and unfair situation in the UK. According to the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, six out of ten people pay for their medical treatment. Where you live, your personal circumstances, medical situation and…

Be kind to yourself this Mother’s Day

For anyone in the fertility community Mother’s Day can be one of the most agonising days of the year. You can be bombarded with Mother’s Day posts on social media, as well as adverts on television and cards in shops even in the weeks coming up to this Sunday. No…

Major review ordered into NHS-funded IVF treatment (and that could mean bad news for Stoke-on-Trent couples)

major consultation is set to be ordered into NHS-funded IVF treatments offered to couples desperate for a child - to end one of the health service's most controversial postcode lotteries. All five of Staffordshire's clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) only offer one cycle of IVF per patient. And that rises to…

I froze my eggs to have family but archaic laws mean I’m about to lose my only chance

But the ‘ticking clock’ of fertility can be a massive source of anxiety, pushing women to have children before they are ready or have found the right partner. About 10 years ago I decided to take control over these feelings by freezing some of my eggs. I did not take…

NHS Herts Valleys CCG reinstate funding for IVF

Effective from the 1st April 2019, Herts Valleys clinical commissioning group (CCG) have decided to reinstate funding for one IVF cycle for eligible couples. In October 2017, the CCG took the decision to withdraw funding for IVF when it was placed in formal financial turnaround. This week’s decision reinstates the…

CCG inefficiencies ‘blocking’ access to IVF

Exclusive to HSJ Data shows 13 clinical commissioning groups spent at least £4,000 per IVF cycle, while six spent £2,000 or less Fertility charity says “financial inefficiences” blocking access to IVF at time when access is at historic low NHS England to introduce non-mandatory benchmark prices to help CCGs obtain…

Things that matter are hard: a review of “Instant Family“

There is a moment about a third of the way into the new film Instant Family that felt as though someone had recorded my conversation in private and played it out to a cinema full of people. It was funny, awful, upsetting but utterly real all at the same time…

Fertility Network launches Fertility in the Workplace initiative to support employers and employees

Speaking at the launch of Fertility Network’s Fertility in the Workplace initiative, chief executive Aileen Feeney said: ‘Fertility treatment is on the increase with approaching 68,000 treatment cycles carried out every year in the UK and 1 in 6 couples (3.5 million people) affected, yet the majority of employers do not have…

Fresh hope for fertility patients in South Norfolk

South Norfolk CCG to reinstate NHS IVF from 1 April 2019 Sarah Norcross, co-chair of campaign group Fertility Fairness, said: ‘The news that South Norfolk clinical commissioning group (CCG) is reinstating NHS IVF from 1 April 2019 will give immense hope to fertility patients in South Norfolk. Clinically eligible women…

What to do with unused fertility medicines

Your IVF treatment cycle is over and you’ve got leftover fertility drugs. What can you do with these unused fertility medications? You may not want to see them go to waste, especially if you had to pay for these very expensive medicines yourself, but is it okay to donate or…

Tickets are now on sale for The Fertility Show Manchester!

Returning to Manchester for 2019, visitors to The Fertility Show will have unparalleled access to the greatest minds in fertility including a diverse range of exhibitors, speakers and support groups. Listen to panels of experts at the Let’s Talk Fertility stage and join an informative seminar. The unique seminar programme…

Fertility Network responds to HFEA state of fertility sector report and national patient survey

Commenting on the HFEA’s state of the fertility sector report and patient survey, Aileen Feeney, chief executive of patient-focused charity Fertility Network, said: ‘Fertility Network is pleased to have supported the HFEA in the development of the new National Fertility Patient Survey, and that their plans provide a focus on…

#YouAreNotAlone Fertility Week 2nd – 5th November 2020

  Fertility Week 2nd - 5th November 2020 #YouAreNotAlone  #FertilityWeek This week’s main focus of this week is to spread awareness for fertility issues to a wider audience. It is time to put a media spotlight on infertility. It is a real issue that 1 in 6 couples in the…