Our webinars are aimed at addressing all aspects of fertility from those “Trying to Conceive” but finding that it is not as easy as they had hoped through to those who are coming to the end of treatments, navigating alternative pathways to parenthood or coming to terms with a childless life, not through choice.

Our webinars offer free digital access to the expert opinion and advice, from our excellent guest speakers, who are experts in their field, about the many issues that have to be tackled when coping with the widespread impact of infertility. Each session provides impartial help, support and understanding about its carefully chosen relevant topic.

Recordings of our webinar sessions will be made available after the event on our YouTube channel.

Please donate to Fertility Network UK and help us continue to run these webinars:

Donate by text:
Text FNUK5 to 70085 for a one-off donation of £5
Text FNUK10 to 70085 for a one-off donation of £10
Or you can text FNUK followed by the donation value of your choice to 70085 for a one-off donation.
You will be charged your mobile provider’s standard network rate for one text message, plus your donation value.

Donate online via Just Giving here

Previous Webinars

Subscribe to our YouTube channel

Webinar: Access Fertility – Making your IVF Treatment More Affordable

 An All England Information meeting, with guest speaker Olivia Quesnel, General Manager UK & Europe from Access Fertility. Hear from Access Fertility about making your IVF treatment more affordable and the different options they offer, for those fertility patients having private IVF treatment. Olivia does a short presentation/talk at the start followed by a Q & A afterwards. 

Watch the recording here


Webinar: The Injustices for the LGBTQ+ Population with Regards to Accessing Fertility Treatment

Watch the recording here

Webinar: An Intro To Emotional First Aid Kit with Pamella Onoriode

Watch the recording here

Webinar: The Phycological Impact of Infertility In Ethnic Minority Communities – Our Stories!

Watch the recording here

Webinar: “Ayurvedic approaches to supporting your fertility” with Dr Naresh Perumbudiri

This webinar introduces traditional Ayurvedic medicine and how it has been used to support fertility issues. The webinar is to highlight South Asian Heritage month and raise awareness about Ayurvedic Medicine, fertility, and South Asian culture. More information is available here

Watch recording here


“Egg Quality in your 30s Everything you need to know”  Sponsored by IVI and hosted by Cesar Diaz Garcia – Medical Director of IVI London

This webinar was brought to you by:

Cesar Diaz Garcia who has an extensive portfolio in fertility both as a surgeon and academic, he combines his activity as medical director of IVI London with his surgical activity and has devoted his scientific career to the field of fertility preservation and ovarian physiology he is also an honorary Associate Professor at the EGA Institute for Woman’s Health, at UCL.

Recording coming soon

‘Thinking of treatment overseas? All you need to know’ Sponsored by Now Fertility

Hosted by:

Luciano Nardo – Fertility Consultant
Luciano is board-certified in obstetrics and gynaecology and in reproductive medicine and surgery. He achieved the subspecialty certificate in reproductive medicine and in laparoscopic surgery from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) in 2006.

He has 20 years clinical practice and academic focus in assisted conception, female and male infertility, reproductive endocrinology, miscarriage and all aspects of benign gynaecology. He has specific interests in the management of women with decreased ovarian function, repeated embryo implantation failures, fertility preservation/egg freezing and unexplained infertility.

Alessandra Ripanelli – Fertility Nurse
Alessandra qualified as a registered midwife in Italy in 2011 and has spent several years based in UK working in a clinic in London.
She has extensive experience and knowledge in fertility, and has gained specialist skills through further training, such as scanning and performing endometrial biopsies.

Watch the recording here

SANDS Black and South Asian Communities Bereavement Support Services

Sands exists to reduce the number of babies dying and to support anyone affected by the death of a baby, before, during or shortly after birth, whenever this happened and for as long as they need support.



SANDS Bereavement Support Services Officers will be offering an information session covering the following:

  • Who SANDS are.
  • The support SANDS offer.
  • Dedicated support for Black and South Asian communities and why this was started, what has been done so far and what will be done in the future.


If you have experienced loss on your fertility journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Pregnancy Loss Group for ongoing support and to connect with others who have had shared experiences.

Watch the recording here

Oral Histories Project, South Asian Heritage Month 2023, real stories with Chronically Brown and Cysters

Panel Session with Kaveeta Shukla from Chronically Brown: Chronically Brown is a non-profit organisation working towards tackling the stigma of disability within the South Asian community. We also work towards diversifying the disabled community with campaign projects such as #desiabled. Kaveeta is a disabled South Asian Woman affected by infertility. 

She will share her personal story of her unique challenges and strengths while living with infertility. We’ll hear Kaveeta’s empowering insights on breaking down stigmas around infertility, reproductive health, and disability in South Asian Communities.

2nd Speaker – Neelam Heera a Tedx Speaker, founded Cysters after facing her own battles around getting her diagnosis and care for PCOS, Endometriosis and PMDD. She saw first-hand the disparities in healthcare for people of colour and other marginalized groups, thus Cysters was born. Neelam felt that issues around reproductive health was often trivialised by healthcare professionals and sexualised by racialized communities due to outdated cultural beliefs, male dominated spaces and patriarchy.

Watch the recording here

Don’t have unanswered questions about your fertility! Ask the experts

For this webinar we are joined by Fertility Consultant Luciano Nardo and Anna Balchan Fertility Nurse Manager from NOW-fertility.

Luciano Nardo, NOW-fertility Founder & CEO, Fertility Consultant

Luciano is board-certified in obstetrics and gynaecology and in reproductive medicine and surgery. He achieved the subspeciality certificate in reproductive medicine and in laparoscopic surgery from the Royal College f Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) in 2006

He has 20 years clinical practice and academic focus in assisted conception, female and male infertility, reproductive endocrinology, miscarriage and all aspects of benign gynaecology. He has specific interests in the management of women with decreased ovarian function, repeated embryo implantation failures, fertility preservation/egg freezing and unexplained infertility.

Anna Balchan, Fertility Nurse Manager

Anna has been involved in fertility since 2014 and in 2018 became a Senior Fertility Midwife, working as part of the egg donation programme and being coordinator for both donor and recipients’ cycles.

She then became the lead midwife for all surrogacy cases, in addition to working closely with a London-based sperm bank.

She has a great deal of experience in supporting and caring for patients during their entire fertility journey.

Watch the recording here


LGBTQ+ Fertility preservation for trans people and those supporting them through the journey

A webinar in conjunction with Pride Month 2023, looking at the decision making processes when considering Gender Affirming Hormone Therapy (GAHT) and fertility preservation.

GAHT medication can affect fertility, careful counselling regarding timing of fertility preservation and long term reproductive sequelae should be discussed with every patient considering these therapies.

Hosted by Dr Orestis Tsonis, specialist in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Specialty doctor in Assisted Conception, Fertility Preservation Service at Guy’s And St Thomas’ Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. Dr Tsonis offers non surgical and surgical fertility preservation for oncologic patients at Guy’s Hospital, as well as under-represented groups of patients in the LGBTQ+ community, including transgender and non binary individuals. He is currently working actively to establish an evidence based service for the latter group of patients. 

Watch the recording here

Getting the most from your medical appointments with Fertility Network UK and FTWW: Fair Treatment for the Women of Wales

This webinar focuses on how to be an active participant in decisions around your health and looks at: Engagement – with health care professionals and decision makers Patient empowerment How to challenge

Joined by: Fair Treatment for the Women of Wales (FTTW) who provide a bit of context about their organisation as a conduit for patients’ voices to be heard locally and nationally, including an update on the development of a NHS Wales ‘Women’s Health Plan’.

Laura Teare-Jones, a hormone & mindset coach delivers a session on how to prepare for medical appointments from practical and mindset approaches, in order to get the best outcome for the patient.

Llais, an independent statutory body, set up by the Welsh Government to give the people of Wales much more say in the planning and delivery of their health and social care services – locally, regionally and nationally.

Watch the recording here

What you need to know about Ovarian Hyperstimulation and how research may help

Presented by Mostafa Metwally of Jessop Fertility, Consultant Gynaecologist in IVF and Chief Investigator for the STOP-OHSS research study, and Clare Pye, lead research nurse at Sheffield Centre for Reproductive Research. The webinar discussed the condition, Ovarian Hyperstimulation and its impact on patients undergoing fertility treatments. It went on to introduce the STOP-OHSS research study, what this looks like and how people can take part in this research, which aims to investigate more effective ways to manage and treat this condition. Anyone interested in learning more about the research can watch the trial animation here https://youtu.be/82I_qrJuKe8 or to find out which clinics and hospitals are involved, or to direct your clinic to further information, details can be found here www.sheffield.ac.uk/scharr/research/centres/ctru/stop-ohss

Watch the recording here

What you need to know about the Two Week Wait with Debbie Evans and Tim Child

We were joined by Debbie Evans from Herts and Essex Fertility and Tim Child from TFP Oxford to discuss the Two Week Wait.

Watch the recording here

 #twoweekwait #ttc #ttctribe #ttcsupport #ttcwarrior #ttcjourney #ttcsisters #ttccommunity

Why Changes To Fertility Regulations Matter To You 

An opportunity to understand and share your views on proposed changes to Fertility regulations. With Peter Thompson from the HFEA.

The Human Fertilisation & Embryology Act (HFE Act), the law that governs fertility treatment and human embryo research in the UK, is over 30 years old and while medicine, science and society have moved on, the HFEA say the law itself has largely stood still. As a result, the law doesn’t reflect modern fertility practice and is inflexible in responding to scientific innovation.

In response to this the HFEA have opened consultations which aims to put patients at the heart of fertility law. This session will be looking at what this consultation is about, why it is happening, what it means to patients and how you can get involved

Found out more here: Fertility law needs modernising, says UK regulator | HFEA

Watch the recording here

How to select a Donor with Cryos Sperm Bank

We were joined by Saghar Kasiri from Cryos to discuss what you should consider when choosing a donor.

Watch the recording here

#donorconception #spermdonation #ivf #ivf #ivfjourney #ivfwarrior #ivfsupport


What you need to know about egg freezing with Ephia Yasmin, consultant from University College London Hospital

Join our webinar on ‘Egg Freezing’ where we discussed everything you need to know. We were joined by Ephia Yasmin, consultant from University College London Hospital to discuss Egg Freezing.

Watch the recording here


PCOS and weight loss with Professor Adam Balen and Grace Dugdale

Are you struggling to conceive and have (or think you might have) PCOS? In this webinar you will learn more about PCOS/Weight Loss and fertility. 

Watch the recording here


‘The role of progesterone in preventing miscarriage’ with Dr. Matthew Prior

Guest speaker Dr. Matthew Prior, Consultant in Reproductive Medicine at Newcastle Fertility Centre, discussed the role of progesterone in preventing miscarriage.

Watch the recording here


2022 Webinar Series

“How to have a successful pregnancy over 40 using donor eggs” brought to you by Ovogene.

Live discussion on how to achieve a successful pregnancy after 40 including how eggs deteriorate with age and the benefit of using donor eggs. Joined by Dr Uliana Dorofeyeva from Ovogene who answered your questions on how egg and embryo quality are impacted by age.

This webinar is sponsored by Ovogene

Watch the recording here

Christmas when you’re trying to conceive with Hannah Vaughan-Jones

We know Christmas is often a challenging time when you’re experiencing fertility issues. Hannah Vaughan Jones talks to Anya Sizer about her experiences of this time of year and discusses some coping strategies.

Watch the recording here


“What to expect during an IVF cycle” with Scott Nelson and Kate Brian

Do you know what to expect during an IVF cycle? If you’re about to start treatment, or may do so in the future, this is the webinar for you. Professor Scott Nelson, Medical Director of Access Fertility and Scientific Director of The Fertility Partnership, explains what’s involved in IVF and what you need to know.

Watch the recording here

NFAW Day 5 – #TalkFertility

Experiencing barriers in accessing fertility treatment? What can be done to remove them?

Looking at the findings from a survey commissioned by Ferring, we discussed the barriers to accessing treatment for patients. With: Stuart Lavery, Divisional Clinical Director Women’s Health UCLH NHS Foundation Trust, Honorary Associate Professor UCL & Director Aria Fertility at Aria Fertility.

This webinar was sponsored by Ferring Pharmaceuticals.

Watch the recording here

NFAW Day 4 – #FertilityEd

In this webinar we highlighted the work of Fertility Network UK’s education projects across Scotland and Wales and exploring FNUK’s call for comprehensive fertility education for teenagers and young adults, so they understand fertility isn’t a guarantee, how age and lifestyle impact fertility, and appreciate the limits of fertility treatments, including IVF and egg freezing.

We were joined by Professor Joyce Harper, Head of the Reproductive Science and Society Group, UCL Institute for Women’s Health; Emma Rees, Wales Branch Coordinator, Fertility Network Wales; Sarah Lindores-Williams, Scotland Branch Coordinator, Fertility Network Scotland and Kate Brian, Operations Manager, Fertility Network UK, Kate will be chairing the Webinar.

Watch the recording here

NFAW Day 3 – #HIMFertility

Focusing on Fertility Network UK’s call for men’s fertility to be explored promptly – in a timely manner at the same time as women’s fertility is explored. We were joined by Maria Satchi, Consultant Urological Surgeon and Andrologist at Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust, and two male fertility patients: Andrew Baines-Vosper Fertility Network UK charity ambassador, and Ciaran Hannington, representing FNUK’s HIMFertility Group to chat about this and all things male fertility, from the current medical pathways to what we think should be changed, through to how male fertility affects men emotionally too.

Watch the recording here

NFAW Day 2 – #FertilityInTheWorkplace

In this webinar we focused on juggling working life whilst going through fertility struggles. We heard from Nickie Aiken MP about her ground-breaking bill currently working through parliament calling for reform to allow leave for fertility appointments. We heard from Auto Trader, one of Fertility Networks long standing partnerships about why this issue matters and the work they have done to support their teams. And the session was chaired by Fertility Network’s Anya Sizer who leads the workplace initiative here at the charity.

Watch the recording here

NFAW Day 1 – #FertilityFairness

How can we improve fertility care for the future? What needs to change? What can we learn from our Fertility Network survey carried out with Middlesex University?

We were joined by Clare Ettinghausen from the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, Angela Pericleous-Smith from the British Infertility Counselling Association and Ephia Yasmin from the British Fertility Society.

Watch the recording here

Black History Month Webinar

Webinar for #BlackHistoryMonth with #fertility expert Dr Edmond Edi-Osagie, Senior Consultant Gynaecologist, Department of Reproductive Medicine at Manchester University Hospitals Foundation, Trust and Honorary Senior Lecturer at the University of Manchester.

Dr Edi-Osagie talked about setting up the UK’s first #BlackDonor agency and the shortage of black donors in the UK. Highlighted the issues regarding donor treatment/use within the Black community.

We were also joined by Actor Jonathan Luwagga, who highlighted the male perspective of infertility/fertility problems. By sharing his personal fertility journey as a Black man.

Watch the recording here

Transition from Fertility to Maternity Services

Moving from a #fertility clinic to #maternity services can be difficult, and the Royal College of Nursing has produced a new report to look at how to support former fertility patients better as they move into maternity care.

On October 11, two of the report’s authors, Francesca Steyn who is Chair of the RCN’s Fertility Nurses Forum, and Angela Cartwright, from the RCN’s Midwifery Forum, joined us for a webinar to talk about what they are doing to improve this and to answer questions about moving from fertility to maternity care and how to get the best from it.

Watch the recording here

What family and friends need to know about fertility’ with Angela Pericleous-Smith and Stuart Lavery

Do your friends and family find it difficult to understand what you’re going through with #fertility tests and treatment? Do you wish someone could explain how best to help and support you? In this webinar Angela Pericleous-Smith, Chair of the British Infertility Counselling Association, and Stuart Lavery, Consultant in Reproductive Medicine at University College Hospitals talked about what’s involved in fertility tests and treatment, and how best to support friends and family members.

Watch the recording here

Mild IVF with Geeta Nargund and Anya Sizer sponsored by Create

Webinar on mild #IVF with #fertility expert Professor Geeta Nargund and Fertility Network’s Anya Sizer. The event was sponsored by @createfertility.

Mild Stimulation IVF uses lower doses of drugs aimed at achieving a mild response, minimising medication and reducing the risk of Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS).

Professor Geeta Nargund, Medical Director at CREATE Fertility, the UK leaders in Mild and Natural IVF, and Fertility Network UK’s Anya Sizer discussed the benefits and scientific research behind Mild IVF.

Watch the recording here

Nutrition and Lifestyle for dealing with PCOS with Rohini Bajekal

For PCOS Awareness Month, we were joined by nutritionist Rohini Bajekal who talked about diet and lifestyle for polycystic ovary syndrome. 

Rohini co-authored “Living PCOS Free: How to Regain Your Hormonal Health with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome” with her mother Dr Nitu Bajekal. Rohini has personal experience of PCOS and provides evidence-based nutrition and lifestyle advice.

Watch the recording here

Fertility in the Workplace (FITW) with Chana and Anya Sizer

Is your workplace doing all it can to support staff facing fertility struggles? There are more than 3.5 million people in the UK experiencing fertility problems, with the majority of them in employment, meaning staff in almost every organisation are affected.

Watch the recording here

Do you want to know more about adoption?

We were joined by Alison Woodhead from Adoption UK and Fertility Network UK’s Anya Sizer who discussed adoption after fertility issues. 

Watch the recording here


Joint webinar with Chana on the new IVF consent forms

What you need to know about changes to rules on storage and consent. This joint webinar, with Chana, will look at the new IVF consent forms and what the changes to rules on embryo, egg and sperm storage mean for patients and donors.

Watch the recording here

Unexplained Infertility with Ephia Yasmin

If you are struggling with unexplained infertility, this webinar with fertility expert Ephia Yasmin is for you. 

Watch the recording here




Egg and Embryo Quality with Rachel Cutting from the HFEA and Professor Tim Child from TFP Oxford Fertility

Do you want to know more about egg and embryo quality? On July 12 we were joined by Rachel Cutting from the HFEA and Professor Tim Child from TFP Oxford Fertility. They answered your questions and explaining what you need to know about egg and embryo quality.

Watch the recording here

Coping with Father’s Day with fertility counsellor Anthony Ryb and Ciaran Hannington from the HIMfertility Group 

We know how difficult Father’s Day can be when you’re trying to conceive, and on June 7 we were joined for a webinar by #fertility counsellor Anthony Ryb and Ciaran Hannington from the HIMfertility group to discuss tips on getting through what is often a challenging time of the year.

Watch the recording here

Fertility in the Workplace (FITW) with Professor Geeta Nargund and Anya Sizer

Is your workplace doing all it can to support staff facing fertility struggles? There are more than 3.5 million people in the UK experiencing fertility problems, with the majority of them in employment, meaning staff in almost every organisation are affected.

We were joined by Professor Geeta Nargund and Anya Sizer from Fertility Network to discuss FITW.

Watch the recording here

‘Making decisions  about Embryo Transfer’ with Rachel Cutting from the HFEA and Anthony Rutherford, Consultant in Reproductive Medicine

Do you want to know more about how doctors and embryologists make decisions about this, what the guidance is and who makes the decisions? Do you understand the science which guides recommendations about this?

On 28 April we were joined by Rachel Cutting, Director of Compliance and Information at the HFEA, and Anthony Rutherford, Consultant in Reproductive Medicine, to answer your questions.

Watch the recording here

Preparing for fertility treatment with Professor Tim Child 

When you’re going to have fertility treatment, you will want to do everything you can to maximise your chances of success. On Monday April 4, Professor Tim Child from TFP Oxford Fertility joined us to discuss how you can prepare for fertility treatment.

Watch the recording here

Coping with Mother’s Day with fertility counsellor Jamie Forster 

We know how difficult Mother’s Day can be when you’re trying to conceive, and on March 24th we were joined for a webinar by #fertility counsellor Jamie Forster to discuss tips on getting through what is often a challenging time of the year. 

Watch the recording here

Update on Covid Webinar

We were joined by Raj Mathur, Chair of the BFS, Clare Ettinghausen, Director of Strategy and Corporate Affairs, Kirstie Campbell , Unit Head of Maternal and Infant Health Scottish Government and Professor Abha Maheswari, Clinical Director at Aberdeen Fertility Centre, to answer your questions about Covid and fertility treatment.

HFEA guidance on Covid for fertility patients – https://www.hfea.gov.uk/treatments/covid-19-and-fertility-treatment/coronavirus-covid-19-guidance-for-patients/

British Fertility Society guidance on Covid and fertility https://www.britishfertilitysociety.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Covid19-Vaccines-FAQ-2.1.pdf

Covid-19 vaccines and fertility

Covid-19 vaccines and fertility The British Fertility Society and Association of Reproductive and Clinical Scientists have created this document in response to questions that patients have been asking about Covid-19 vaccines and www.britishfertilitysociety.org.uk

Watch the recording here

2021 Webinar Series

Having a happy Christmas

We know Christmas can be a difficult time for anyone trying to conceive, this webinar gives you some tips on how to enjoy the festive season.

We were joined by fertility counsellor Angela Pericleous-Smith, Chair of the British Infertility Counselling Association, and Kelly Da Silva, Patient Support Coordinator at CARE Nottingham, who shared their advice and answer your questions.

Watch the recording here

Fertility Education with Professor Joyce Harper, UCL Institute for Women’s Health

Thursday, 4th November 

This webinar looks at what we need to know about our fertility and will also cover what to think about when opting for additional treatments or complementary therapies.)

Watch the recording here

Rhod Gilbert, Toby Trice and Ian Stones fireside chat

Wednesday, 3rd November

On this webinar Rhod, Toby and Ian talk all HIMFertility

Watch the recording here

Donor Day with Nina Barnsley, Director, Donor Conception Network

Tuesday, 2nd November 

This webinar for our Donor Day looked at treatment using donor eggs, sperm and embryos. Nina Barnsley discussed what you need to think about if you are considering donor treatment and gave lots of useful tips and advice

 Watch the recording here

Fertility Fairness with Raj Mathur, Chair of the British Fertility Society

Monday, 1st November 

This webinar looks at access to fertility treatment and covers what NICE recommends, the postcode lottery, eligibility criteria and inequities in the system.

Watch the recording here

Introduction to Mindfulness with Veronica Ellis

Thursday, 28th October 

Watch the recording here

What you need to know about Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) – Webinar for PCOS Awareness Month

Tuesday, 28th September

This PCOS Awareness Month webinar looks at what you need to know about PCOS. The panellists were Professor Adam Balen from Leeds Fertility, one of the UK’s leading experts in PCOS, and Grace Dugdale, reproductive biologist and nutrition scientist from Balance Fertility. They are the authors of ‘The Fertility Book – Your definitive guide to achieving a healthy pregnancy’

Watch the recording here

Living without children – Webinar for World Childless Week 

Wednesday, 15th September

Author Lesley Pyne, a counsellor from the British Infertility Counselling Association and Debbie Howe, BICA counsellor discuss moving on from treatment and living without children. This webinar is to mark World Childless Week.

Watch the recording here 

The Two Week Wait – What you need to know

Monday, 26th July 

We know this is one of the most difficult times when you’re going through treatment. We were joined by Debbie Evans, Director of Nursing & Clinical Services, Herts & Essex Fertility Centre and Ephia Yasmin, consultant gynaecologist and fertility specialist at University College London Hospital to talk about the Two Week Wait .

We discussed how to get through this tricky time and what you should and shouldn’t do.

Watch the recording here 

What you need to know about your consumer rights with the Competition and  Markets Authority (CMA) and the Human Fertilisation & Embryology Authority (HFEA)

Thursday, 8 July

Do you know your consumer rights when it comes to fertility treatment? We were joined by Louise Strong and Chris Warner from the Competition and Markets Authority and Clare Ettinghausen from the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority who explained what you need to know about your rights when it comes to choosing a fertility clinic and having treatment.

ISCAS – patients can find out if a clinic is covered by ISCAS via an online search tool on the ISCAS website.  Here is the link – Providers we cover – ISCAS (cedr.com)

Patient Guide –  The CMA’s patient guide is available here – Guide for patients on their consumer rights when buying fertility treatment.  The accompanying video is available here – Video

Contacting the CMA – Patients can contact the CMA to share experiences of the types of issues covered in the patient guide via – ConsumerLawIVFTeam@cma.gov.uk

Please note, there were issues on the evening with the video link to the HFEA which caused problems during this webinar but we hope that the messages are still clear.

Watch the recording here

Add-ons: What you need to ask about additional treatments

Wednesday, 21 April

Kate Brian from Fertility Network UK was joined by Clare Ettinghausen, Director of Strategy and Corporate Affairs at the HFEA and Yakoub Khalaf, Head of Fertility Services at Guy’s and St Thomas’ and member of the HFEA Board.

Watch the recording here

Legal implications for rainbow families

Tuesday,6th April

Fertility Network Scotland’s LGBT+ Support Group is joined by Beverley Addison, a Senior Family Solicitor. Disclaimer – This video is referring to the law process in Scotland and as such the terminology used and the court process is Scottish law specific. Recorded April 2021.

Watch the recording here

The microbiome fertility connection & why it’s so important. Brought to you by our partners Nua Fertility

Wednesday, 31 March

When you are trying to conceive, the last place most of us would think to look is our gut. But the importance of our gut and vaginal microbiome has been proven to play a crucial role in our fertility health. We were delighted to be joined by CEO & Founder of Nua Fertility Deborah Brock, and one of Ireland’s leading fertility doctors, Dr Lyuda Shkrobot.

Watch the recording

LBT Women’s Health Week: Starting a family

Thursday, 11th March

This week was Women’s Health Week and to mark the event, we spoke to one of the UK’s leading fertility lawyers Natalie Gamble. Natalie is an expert in same-sex parenting issues and explains what women need to know when it comes to starting a family, using a donor and accessing care.

Watch the recording

Juggling work & fertility struggles. Brought to you by our partners Fertifa

Wednesday, 3rd March

In this webinar, FNUK’s Anya Sizer and Hema Wara (Chief of Staff & Client Services Director at Fertifa) talked about how to balance work and life when you are having problems conceiving.  Anya shared insights into how fertility challenges can impact one’s performance and wellbeing in the workplace.  Hema shared her personal story of how she left her career to focus on starting a family, and how she joined Fertifa who support and empower people in similar circumstances.

Watch the recording

Scotland Clinics Update and Fertility Consents

Tuesday, 1st March

Representatives from the NHS clinics in Scotland joined us to talk about the new Fertility Consents platform, which is designed to help patients and their partners navigate the medical and legal issues involved with fertility treatment in an easy and convenient way. This is followed by a general Scottish wide Q&A session.

Watch the recording

Pregnancy loss during treatment. Brought to you by our partners Reproductive Health Group.

Tuesday 9th Feb

Professor Luciano Nardo is a renowned consultant gynaecologist and subspecialist in reproductive medicine and surgery.

During this webinar he discussed recommendations for patients who have had single or multiple failed pregnancies during treatment, and if there is anything that could be done differently in subsequent cycles.

Watch the recording

How to stay healthy during lockdown. Brought to you by our partners Fertility Family.

Tuesday, 2nd Feb

Nutritionist Sarah Trimble will look at turning the negatives of lockdown into positives for our health. This webinar focusses on making comfort food and treats more nutritious, for both female and male reproductive health, plus advice on lifestyle changes to combat lockdown stress. Sarah also talks about immune-boosting nutrition for those who are not receiving the COVID vaccine whilst TTC.

Watch the recording

Update on COVID and fertility treatment from the HFEA and British Fertility Society

Wednesday, 27th January

Raj Mathur from the British Fertility Society and Rachel Cutting from the HFEA joined Fertility Network UK to discuss the latest situation with the fertility treatment in the UK and to answer questions from patients.

Watch the recording

My donor journey: What I wish I had known

Tuesday, 26th January

Becky Kearns (Defining Mum), Laura-Rose Thorogood (LGBT Mummies Tribe), Michael Johnson-Ellis (Two Dads UK) and Angela Pericleous-Smith (Chair, BICA) join us to discuss donor journeys from multiple perspectives.

Watch the recording

2020 Webinar Series

Coping at Chritsmas

In this webinar, Fertility Network UK talks to Sophie Sulehria & Rebecca Brown about their experiences & advice for dealing with fertility challenges alongside festive holidays.

Sophie Sulehria is a former BBC journalist. She and her husband Jonny shared their struggle with fertility on Radio 4’s PM Programme in a 10 part series, later lengthened into a podcast “The Long Road to Baby” for BBC Sounds. Sophie is now an ambassador for Peanut, an app that connects women from fertility to motherhood. The app introduces you to women nearby and to community, so you can ask questions, get advice and find support.

Rebecca Brown, along with her mum, dad and sister, won the National Lottery in 2016. At the beginning of 2018, Rebecca had some health issues and realised how much she wanted a baby. At the end of 2018, she used part of her winnings to start her IVF journey.

Watch this webinar here

Scotland Fertility Clinics Update – December 2020

All 4 IVF Centres in Scotland take part in the webinar giving the most up to date information on current activity, with a question and answer session.

Watch this webinar here

Egg quality and IVF. Brought to you by our partners Coast Science.

Wednesday, 25th November

This webinar looks at how the quality and quantity of human oocytes (eggs) impacts the reproductive outcomes in IVF, and how this can be improved. Dr Jeve discusses how the egge reserve declines with time, and how diet, lifestyle and supplements can be taken into consideration.

Dr Yadava Jeve is a Consultant Subspecialist and Deputy Clinical Director at Birmingham Women’s Hospital. He pioneered the concept of p4 fertility care and is Trustee of SEED (Sperm Egg Embryo Donation Trust) and an Executive Committee Member of the British Fertility Society. He is a big fan of personalised fertility treatment plans to optimise success. Mr Jeve has published his research in many scientific journals, presented in conferences and his research was covered by mainstream media including BBC, Sky and Time. His PhD is on the role of oocytes (eggs) to determine the reproductive outcomes.

Watch this webinar here

The patient journey in fertility management. Brought to you by our partners, Guerbet.

Tuesday, 20th October

In this webinar, six speakers from Europe to New Zealand discuss three topics, followed by a live Q&A.

Embarking on your fertility journey: what are the considerations you should make?”: Dr Edgar Mocanu (Ireland) & Anita Fincham (Fertility Europe)

“Check your tubes: what is the place of HSG in fertility management?”: Prof. Anne Hemingway (UK), Kate Brian (Fertility Network UK)

“Your fertility testing is done, what are the next steps?”: Prof. Neil Johnson (New Zealand) & Freya Maro Flos (Netherlands)

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Is there anything I can do to improve my chances of conceiving naturally? Brought to you by our partners, Ferring.

Thursday 1st October, 5pm

Stuart Lavery is a consultant gynaecologist at the Hammersmith Hospital and a senior lecturer at Imperial College in London. He has been an NHS consultant for 18 years, and also works in the private sector in Harley Street. His main research interests are IVF and fertility preservation.

Couples are sometimes overwhelmed with advice from friends and family on how to improve their chances of conception. The internet can often provide conflicting information on even relatively simple issues like optimum frequency of sex.  Information on fertility diets, and fertility supplements are everywhere. Mr Lavery’s webinar is refreshingly free of old-wives’ tales, traditional practice, paternalistic advice and commercial witchcraft.

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IVF and Egg Donation Abroad. Brought to you by our Patient Pledge Clinic, IVF Spain.

Thursday, 17th September

Watch this webinar here

Will treatment ‘add-ons’ improve my chances of success? Brought to you by our partners, Ferring.

Thursday, 27th August

Gynaecologist at the Hammersmith Hospital and a senior lecturer at Imperial College in London. He has been an NHS consultant for 18 years, and also works in the private sector in Harley Street. His main research interests are IVF and fertility preservation.

His webinar covers the controversial area of ‘IVF add-ons’. This has attracted much commentary in the press and attention from the HFEA regulator. Patients are commonly left confused about whether they should choose therapies that lack a good evidence base, sometimes at significant cost and questionable risk.

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Nutrition for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, brought to you by our partner Fertility Family, Pharmasure.

Sarah Trimble joined us to chat through nutrition for PCOS. Blood Sugar Balance and Beyond: a look at the central importance of achieving blood glucose balance in the treatment of PCOS and a discussion of emerging research on the potential role of gut health.

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The Arts and Fertility No. 3

Our third in this mini-series about The Arts and Fertility, Fertility Network’s Anya Sizer chats to the wonderful Gareth Farr.

Gareth is a writer for theatre, whose debut full-length play, Britannia Waves the Rules, won the Bruntwood Prize for Playwriting in 2011. It was produced at the Royal Exchange in Manchester before being extended and taken out on tour. It was then revived by the Royal Exchange a year later for a second tour and has since been produced in Sydney, Australia. 

Gareth’s second play, The Quiet House, was produced by Birmingham Rep and transferred to Park Theatre in London in 2016. A short film of The Quiet Hose was later commissioned by the Wellcome Collection and produced in 2019.

Gareth’s new play Shandyland is a hard-hitting family drama about the death of a working-class pub and the community that surrounds it. It will be produced by Northern Stage in 2020 and will tour to Liverpool Everyman, York Theatre Royal and Oldham Coliseum. It was originally developed as part of the prestigious Old Vic 12 scheme before being re-developed by Northern Stage.

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Fertility Clinics reopening in Scotland

All 4 IVF Centres in Scotland will take part in the webinar giving an overview of restarting treatment in Scotland.

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Previous Webinars

All about MRKH

We were joined by Charlotte from MRKHconnect to chat about all things MRKH. This webinar includes the following topics:

Charlotte’s story, support and why it is important, deciding whether to have a family, surrogacy, adoption, deciding to be childless, MRKH Community and 
MRKH Connect – Who they are and what they do.

Watch this Webinar Here

The Arts and Fertility No. 2

This is the second webinar in this mini-series about The Arts and Fertility. Fertility Network’s Anya Sizer chats to the wonderful Jack Thorne. Jack lives in London with his wife, Rachel, and their son Elliot, 3, whom they finally had after seven rounds of IVF.

Their fertility struggles inspired his play The Solid Life of Sugar Water at the National Theatre in 2016.

Jack Thorne is a writer of film, television and theatre. In film, his credits include Wonder, The Aeronauts, Radioactive and The Secret Garden. His television work includes National Treasure, Kiri, Don’t Take My Baby, The Virtues, His Dark Materials and The Eddy. For theatre, his plays include Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, When You Cure Me, Hope, A Christmas Carol and the end of history… Jack is a patron of Graeae Theatre Company and an associate artist of the Old Vic Theatre. 

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The benefits of HSGs

We were joined by Professor Anne Hemingway, who dispelled the myths and explaining the benefits of this common procedure.

Anne qualified in 1975 from Guys Hospital Medical School, London University and entered radiology training in1979 at the Hammersmith Hospital & Royal Postgraduate Medical School (RPMS).

Qualification as a radiologist in 1982 was followed in 1984 by promotion to Consultant/ Senior Lecturer specialising in vascular and interventional radiology at the Hammersmith/RPMS.

In 1987 AH was appointed as the first female professor of radiology in the UK at Sheffield University establishing a thriving academic department specialising in MRI.

Following marriage and children, in 1992 AH returned to London and Hammersmith Radiology occupying posts as Deputy Clinical Director, Head of Training and Chair of the Trust Ionising Radiation Safety Committee.

In 1996, following internal restructuring, AH developed an interest in infertility imaging and since then has personally undertaken and supervised in excess of 12,000 hysterosalpingograms (HSGs), AH also undertakes selective salpingography and tubal recanalization.

AH has published over 80 peer reviewed articles, 30 book chapters and delivered numerous lectures locally, nationally and internationally.

Areas of specific interest within HSG practice include the patient experience, HSG technique, Asherman’s syndrome, female genital tuberculosis, and choice of contrast medium.

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The Arts and Fertility No. 1

The first in our mini-series about Fertility and The Arts with the wonderful Jessica Hepburn. Our lovely Anya Sizer interviews Jessica about her books, FertilityFest and her adventures. 

Jessica went through 11 rounds of IVF, one of the only women to swim the channel and was due to be be climbing Everest pre covid! She’s the co-founder of the world’s first arts festival dedicated to fertility, infertility, the science of making babies and modern families.

She has Won several awards:  she was nominated as Amnesty International’s ‘Women of Suffragette Spirit’, voted ‘Woman of The Week’ in Stylist magazine; and won the Fertility Foundation’s inaugural ‘Fertility Hero’ Award for her role as a fertility advocate.

Watch this webinar here.

The Fundamentals of Nutrition for Fertility

Sarah Trimble joins us to go through The Fundamentals of Nutrition for Fertility: discover which nutrients are key to optimise your reproductive health, what foods you should be eating and what supplements are really necessary.

Sarah is a nutritional therapist dedicated to the practice of evidence-based and common sense nutrition. She believes in the power of traditional eating patterns over fad diets.

Watch this webinar here

Fertility Clinics Reopening Safely

On this webinar we chat to the HFEA, the Government regulator responsible for making sure fertility clinics and research centres comply with the law.

As you probably know, as of the May 11th, clinics are able to apply to reopen but will be asked to meet criteria which prioritise the safety of both patients and clinic staff.

We’ll be joined by Rachel Cutting, Director of Compliance and Information, who has been designing the application and review process that clinics will need to go through to be able to reopen and reinstate treatment.

Rachel has kindly agreed to answer your questions, and while we may not be able to take all of your questions at this time, we will do our best, and prioritise those which are most relevant to the information that is currently available.

Watch this webinar here

‘Mild and Natural IVF, Low Ovarian Reserve and Optimising Fertility’ with Geeta Nargund.

Geeta Nargund is the Founder and Medical Director of CREATE Fertility and ABC IVF. She is also the Lead Consultant for Reproductive Medicine at St George’s Hospital NHS Trust in London. She has published extensively in the field of Natural and Mild IVF and the role of advanced ultrasound technology in reproductive medicine.

She is the President of the International Scientific Society for Mild Approaches in Assisted Reproduction (ISMAAR). She is the Founder and Chief Executive of Create Health Foundation, a UK charity devoted to promoting women’s reproductive health.

The webinar will cover the following topics:

  • Natural and Mild IVF – The science behind” No or Low drug approaches in IVF” and Who can benefit from these treatments – Main presentation
  • How to optimise your natural fertility
  • Treatment options for women with low egg reserve
  • Support and reassurance during COVID-19 crisis

Watch this webinar here.

‘Reproflexology: Facilitating Fertility Calmness’ by Amy Simpson

Tuesday, 11th February 

As an occupational therapist and reproductive reflexologist, Amy Simpson works to help women and couples achieve calmness and good health when trying to conceive. In this webinar expect to hear how reproflexology aims to balance minds and bodies to support fertility calmness. Amy will share the daily tools and techniques she offers to navigate the rollercoaster of difficult emotions that often arise when facing a fertility journey.

Amy believes that good reproductive health is about how we move, what we eat, how we rest and how we talk to ourselves. Join us to find out more about this holistic approach.

Watch this webinar here

‘Social Infertility – The Road to Solo Motherhood’ by Mel Johnson

Wednesday, 29th January

Mel Johnson, 41, is a Social Infertility Coach and founder of The Stork and I, who following her own journey to solo motherhood, coaches single women who are exploring whether this is the right path for them. Mel has a 2 year old daughter using IVF and donor sperm and uses her own experiences coupled with her coaching training to support others.

In this webinar you can learn more about the concept of social infertility and the current trends around this phenomenon. As Mel likes to offer her insights to enable others to select their own path, we will first hear about the 5 options to be considered when faced with social infertility. This will lead into Mel’s comprehensive 6 steps to solo motherhood (using donor conception) for those who wish to follow this route.

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