News / Media
Staffordshire & Stoke-on-Trent approve fertility policy that is the worst in UK
Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent integrated care board (ICB) has approved a new interim fertility policy which offers the bare minimum of NHS-funded help – just one embryo transfer for women aged 23-40 – and makes accessing NHS fertility treatment harder or impossible for other groups. The new policy comes into force…
Coping with Christmas when you have fertility issues
Facing Christmas and the festive season when you’re struggling with fertility issues can be too painful to bear. It’s hard enough seeing images of family and what you don’t have and want during the rest of the year, but there’s something about Christmas that can make it far, far worse.…
Can you help with some important research about Trauma in Infertility?
This survey is open to those who have been diagnosed with infertility, are undergoing, or have had treatment within the last 5 years across the UK and Ireland and we want you to have your say. If you feel this is relevant to you, we would very much appreciate you…
Fertility patients priced out of becoming parents and pressured into unwelcome and potentially risky treatment choices by cost-of-living crisis and lack of NHS-funded care
Soaring living costs coupled with rising fertility treatment fees and a lack of NHS-funded fertility care are pricing fertility patients out of the chance to become parents and forcing them into unwelcome and potentially hazardous choices, according to a survey by national charity Fertility Network UK published at the start…
Fertility Network UK responds to the HFEA’s updated treatment add-ons rating system
Dr Catherine Hill, Fertility Network UK’s Head of Policy & Public Affairs, said: ‘Because of the lack of access to NHS-funded fertility treatment in the UK, the majority of fertility patients have to make decisions about the type and amount of fertility care they purchase. These emotionally and financially difficult…
Search on for new Fertility Network UK chief executive
Could you be the new chief executive of national charity Fertility Network UK? The charity is beginning the process of looking for a new chief executive, after interim CEO Dr Catherine Hill stepped back from the role. Dr Hill is moving to a new role within the charity as Head…
Breaking News! – First UK Womb Transplant
Dr Catherine Hill, interim chief executive of Fertility Network UK said: ‘This is an historic moment – the first womb transplant in the UK. It’s a wonderful, exciting step forward in science and, for fertility medicine, it’s the dawn of a new era. This news will give so much hope…
National Fertility Awareness Week; 30th Oct – 5th Nov 2023
#Fighting4Fertility Join us during Fertility Week 2023 30 Oct – 5 November 2023 1 in 6 people in the UK face fertility issues, and our aim is to make sure everyone on a fertility journey, whatever the stage they’re at, has the support and information they need. Join us, amplify…
Hertfordshire & West Essex ICB Fertility Under Review – Have Your Say!
Hertfordshire & West Essex ICB is carrying out a review of its policy on specialist fertility treatment. All policies need review from time to time and this particular one was due for a review in 2022. An extension was agreed to September 2023 which is why we are now seeking…
Frimley ICB will be changing its policy on access to NHS-funded fertility treatment for female same-sex couples
Fertility Network congratulates @whatwegandidnext for their tenacity & courage in challenging this unfair policy... they've done an incredible job of raising awareness of the terrible financial hurdle female same-sex couples face when they're hoping to start a family. Frimley Integrated Care Board hasn't said yet how it is going to…
Update on proposed Welsh fertility policy changes
The Welsh Health Specialised Services Committee (WHSSC) has provided an update on its proposed changes to fertility treatment in Wales. Thank you to everyone who responded to the consultation earlier this year. The WHSSC is now in the process of considering all the responses and comments it received, and this…
#FertilityIn5 – have your say during National Fertility Awareness Week
National Fertility Awareness Week 31 Oct – 4 Nov 2022 is your week. That’s why, during the week, we’d like you to tell us and the world • how you are feeling • what you are experiencing • or what needs to change to improve your situation The challenge is…
One month to go to National Fertility Awareness Week
National Fertility Awareness Week 31 October - 4 November 2022 is just one month away. Make sure to catch these highlights, including a major, new survey revealing: • the emotional impact of infertility and fertility treatment, • the impact of juggling fertility treatment and employment, and • the crippling…
Good news: Study shows no concerning effects of fertility treatment on children’s development
Good news: a new, large study shows there are no concerning effects of fertility treatment on children’s development. The global research, which tracked 158,000 IVF-conceived children from birth to adulthood, found small differences in the growth, weight, and body fat of IVF children reduced with age. Commenting on the study,…
New improved fertility policy for North Central London from 25 July
Positive news: from 25 July, North Central London CCG's new #fertility policy will improve access to NHS-funded fertility treatment for many in the area, which covers Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey and Islington. Women under 40 can access up to six embryo transfers from a maximum of three fresh #IVF cycles.…
Female same-sex couples and step-parents will now be able to access NHS fertility treatment in England, says Government in Women’s Health strategy
Good news: Fertility Network welcomes the Government's Women's Health Strategy and the commitment to improving access to NHS-funded fertility treatment, although there remains considerable progress to be made before the ‘IVF postcode lottery’ is removed. We would have liked to have seen a clear strategy for ending the current geographical…
Changes to gamete and embryo storage
A new UK law came into force at the start of July providing greater flexibility for people who wish to store their eggs, sperm or embryos. From 1 July 2022, all patients can store their eggs, sperm and embryos for their own treatment for up to 55 years, providing they…
What to do with your remaining embryos factsheet
Many people are left with frozen embryos after finishing treatment, but often feel unprepared for this. If you have completed your family, or cannot have more treatment, you may need to make a decision about any remaining embryos. Our Fertility Network factsheet outlines the different options available and signposts you…
Fertility Network’s tips for coping with Father’s Day
Father’s Day can be a difficult day when you’re struggling to become a parent. It all too often feels like a cruel reminder of what you don’t have and most desperately long for and it may seem as if everyone is celebrating and you cannot be a part of that.…
AFFINITY the Fertility Network UK Magazine
It features Rachel's story of donating her embryos to other couples after completing her #IVF family, as well as Johnno's story of facing #maleinfertility while serving in the Army, plus news from #TeamFertility - that's us, the Fertility Network team. There are also interviews with fertility expert Prof Geeta Nargund…