by Megan Rix

The Puppy that Came for Christmas and Stayed Forever is Megan Rix’s bestselling memoir.

I picked up this book, the Christmas after my husband and I got a rescue dog called Pip. It is a beautifully written book – an open and honest true story about the author’s journey through fertility treatment to find joy in the love of a little puppy.

When Megan and Ian got married, they wanted to start a family, but their desire to be parents ended up bringing one furry bundle of fun after another into their lives.

At the same time as embarking on difficult and traumatic fertility treatment, Megan and Ian became involved with a charity which provides helper dogs to people with disabilities. And into their home one day came Emma, a soft, sweet-natured puppy with whom they fell instantly in love. However, after six months Emma had completed her training and was given to someone in need. To get over their broken hearts, Megan and Ian took in another pup: Freddy. And fell in love all over again … only for Freddy to move on too. Megan and Ian didn’t know if they could keep taking in these adorable puppies and giving them away later. It was getting too hard, too painful.

But then, one Christmas, little Traffy came along…

The story of Megan and Ian resonated with me as they went through a number of fertility treatments and how the joy and love of little helper puppies helped them through these difficulties and eventually allowed them to see beyond a life without children. It was so reassuring to hear the same feelings expressed by Rix as so many of us have expressed, but it was also so heart-warming to compare the joy and fulfilment of their puppy Traffy was so like the joy our little cocker spaniel has brought to us. Reading this book was like talking to a friend who understood all my hopes and dreams and made me feel really positive about the future. A great book to bring a Christmas warmth to anytime of the year.

If you liked Marley and Me then The Puppy that Came for Christmas but Stayed Forever is for you. Megan Rix’s heart­warming seasonal story will have everyone yearning for a bit of puppy love in their lives.
