
Support for weight loss on the path to fertility treatment is essential

No one ever talks about infertility and what happens if you are unable to have a baby. For many years you welcome ‘Aunt Flo’, all while keeping pharmacies in business. But no one discusses the disappointment and grief when she continues to visit you every month when you are ready.…

The challenges of becoming a solo mum by choice

I have always wanted to be a mum and I thought I’d meet someone in my twenties, get married and have children. However, I found myself at 36, single and childless. People’s comments were: ‘The clock is ticking’, ‘You will meet someone’, ‘Lots of people your age don’t have children’.…

A special journey to make: from fertility treatment to adoption

People come to adoption for a lot of different reasons. For an increasing number, it’s their number one choice because of concerns for the limitations of our planet to provide for a growing population. Others have cultural or religious motivations, are in a same-sex relationship or are building on a…

The journey to solo parenthood

I decided to take this path after not having met anyone I saw a long-term future with for a long time, and really wanting to be a mum. I wasn’t willing to settle for just anyone in order to have a child. I used to joke through my 20s that…