Fertility Network UK campaign for fair access to NHS IVF
Make a difference #IVFGoldStandard
UK fertility guidelines from the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) state that if you are unable to have children without medical help, women under 40 should be able to access 3 full cycles of NHS IVF (if clinically eligible). However, the vast majority of the 1 in 6 couples in the UK diagnosed with fertility problems cannot access 3 full IVF cycles because of where they live.
In England, an overwhelming 98 per cent of local clinical commissioning groups do not follow NICE guidance fully and have either cut the number of IVF cycles they offer from 3 to 2, 1 or zero cycles, and/or ration services by introducing additional non-medical access criteria, such as denying IVF to individuals if their partner has a child from a previous relationship.
To find out the funding situation in your area please visit Fertility Fairness
Here you can view the NICE Guidelines
In Wales, eligible women under 40 can only access 2 full IVF cycles.
In Northern Ireland, eligible women under 40 can only access 1 partial NHS IVF cycle and there are proposals to defer all new patients for five months from October 2017.
In Scotland, all eligible women under 40 can access the same gold standard of fertility treatment: three full IVF cycles, including access for couples with children from previous relationships.
The UK pioneered IVF and during this year’s National Fertility Awareness Week 31 Oct – 5 Nov 2017, we will be commemorating 40 years since IVF’s first success on 10 November 1977, which resulted in the birth of Louise Joy Brown on 25 July 1978.
Fertility Network UK believes that after 40 years, it’s time for #IVFGoldStandard across the UK. Please help us spread this message and campaign for equal access to NHS fertility treatment in the UK.
There are three ways you can help:
1. tell your MP: inform them of your situation and what is happening in your area; a template letter can be found here and MP’s contacts details are available at TheyWorkForYou
Please email a copy of your letter to Philip Dunne MP, Minister of State at the Department of Health mshealth@dh.gsi.gov.uk
2. tweet, post and email your support and a pic using the hashtag #IVFGoldStandard
3. help us create a fertility funding Thunderclap – a social media message sent collectively – on Facebook, Twitter and tumblr on Friday 3rd November at 12 midday during National fertility Awareness Week (31 Oct – 5 Nov 17). Register your support for the Thunderclap
For more information contact: anya@fertilitynetworkuk.org