Wellbeing in the Workplace; Holistic Wellbeing Programme, Session 4

25 Jun 2024

Tuesday 25th June 2024, 7pm

The holistic fertility sessions aim to help the participant achieve a more comprehensive understanding of body/mind connection  (in relation to fertility) and promote overall well-being. These sessions provide a safe space for individuals to explore their physical, emotional, and mental health, with the ultimate goal of supporting their fertility journey.

Participants must be able to commit to all 4 session, every Tuesday throughout June 2024.

The main targets of these sessions are:

  • Connecting with the physical body, Becoming more conscious about the body/mind connection
  • Learning the basic yoga postures/breathing techniques/relaxation and meditation techniques to balance the body and the mind
  • Becoming aware of the levels of stress, and learn about the tools to manage stress, Learning how to destress/recharge the body/mind
  • Becoming aware of the impact of the emotions on body/mind and learn how to manage them
  • Learning about the lifestyle modification which will support their journey
  • Learning how to use simple techniques and holistic tools in their own life

Session 4

Theory: mental resilience and mental balance, how to stay mentally healthy during the fertility journey. Lifestyle interventions to achieve mental balance, the tools of yoga, breathing, meditation and relaxation for mental balance.

Aim: inner/outer balance, calming the mind, releasing negative thoughts, transforming negative thoughts into positive ones.

Practices included: balancing yoga postures, specific balancing breathing techniques,  yoga nidra (non-sleep deep rest technique), and inner silence meditation (has to do with the awareness of thought process).

Register your interest here 

For more information on this session email fitw@fertilitynetworkuk.org