Trying To Conceive

Fertility Network UK responds to Belfast Health Trust consultation

With only one NHS IVF treatment cycle in N. Ireland available to eligible couples, staff at Fertility Network UK were deeply disappointed the Health Trust proposed to defer all NHS IVF treatment for new patients until 1 April 2018. This proposal, with a potential saving of £750,000, was open to…

Patient event – The politics of infertility 1 Nov 17

“Infertility is a recognised medical issue faced by thousands of people in the UK, yet treatment for this issue is increasingly being given only to those who can afford it. If we do not act now we will soon be faced with a two-tier system of those who can and…

#IVFis40 National Fertility Awareness Week 30 Oct – 5 Nov 2017

Can you help? One of the focus areas of this year’s National Fertility Awareness Week 30 Oct – 5 Nov is commemorating 40 years since 10 November 1977, when Louise Joy Brown was conceived. As part of this, we are asking patients and professionals to send us their #IVFis40 memories…

National Fertility Awareness Week 2017

It is your week; save the dates now and please join us in helping all individuals facing fertility issues. National Fertility Awareness Week aims to raise awareness and change perceptions of fertility issues, as well as raising funds to help us provide much-needed support for the 1 in 6 couples,…

Your Future Fertility – Fertility Network Scotland

Fertility Network Scotland's attendance at Freshers' Events in the North East of Scotland got off to a great start at the end of August with an extremely well organised and well attended day at Dundee & Angus College's Arbroath Campus.  All preparations had been made  there by the Learner Engagement…

Charity of the Year 2017 – Vote Now!

Just Giving have opened voting for their charity of the year. Do you feel able to help us and vote for YOUR charity? This kind of award would really help raise the profile of Fertility Network UK, the work we do and the issues the 3.5 million people in the…

Fertility Network meets with MP to talk about campaign for fair access to IVF

Anya Sizer, Regional Organiser for London has been meeting with Labour MP Paula Sherriff to talk about the campaign for fair access to IVF for all. Paula was one of the powerhouse MPs behind the recent Tampon Tax campaign and is determined to get the IVF Debate clearly on the…

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough suspends NHS IVF for at least 18 months

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough clinical commissioning group (CCG) has suspended access to NHS IVF for at least 18 months effective immediately, despite overwhelming public support for NHS fertility services to be continued. Chief executive of national charity Fertility Network UK, Susan Seenan, said: ‘We are extremely concerned about the effect this…

Meeting with Department of Health to push for reversal of NHS Fertility treatment deferment

Sharon Davidson, N. Ireland Co-ordinator, Fertility Network and Berkeley Greenwood, Political Advisor, Fertility Fairness met with key representatives from the Department of Health, Secondary Care Directorate today. We made a very strong case for the possible 5 month deferment of NHS fertility services to be reversed. This economically short sighted…

Good news on IVF waiting times in Scotland

With support of the Scottish Government, IVF provision in Scotland continues to be the most equitable and fair in the UK. Patients in Scotland are offered up to 3 cycles of treatment where it will be clinically effective, with the same criteria being applied to all patients regardless of where…

Fertility Network UK campaign for fair access to NHS IVF

Make a difference #IVFGoldStandard UK fertility guidelines from the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) state that if you are unable to have children without medical help, women under 40 should be able to access 3 full cycles of NHS IVF (if clinically eligible). However, the vast majority…

Deferring NHS IVF in Northern Ireland distressing for patients and economically short-sighted

Plans to defer NHS fertility treatment for at least five months for all new patients in Northern Ireland are distressing for patients and economically short-sighted, say organisations Fertility Network UK and Fertility Fairness. The proposal to defer NHS IVF access to Northern Ireland’s Regional Fertility Centre until 1st April 2018…

Advice to existing patients affected by NHS IVF cuts in West, East and South Cheshire and Vale Royal CCGs

Cuts to NHS IVF services by West, East and South Cheshire and Vale Royal clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) affect existing patients as well as new referrals. The new policies in these areas state that if existing patients have already begun a cycle of IVF, they can complete it, but no further…

Only women aged between 30-35 to be able to access NHS IVF suggests Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire CCGs

Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) are planning on radically changing the criteria regarding who can access NHS IVF services in their areas, and the way that NHS fertility treatment is accessed. The consultation about this has been extended and now closes on 15 December 17.…

Southend CCG consults on removing NHS IVF

Southend clinical commissioning group (CCG) is consulting on removing NHS IVF - the fifth CCG in the region to do so; to register your voice against this, please complete the brief survey here The survey will close on 26 October 2017. Southend CCG currently offers eligible couples two partial…

Adoption Workshop

Fertility network are looking at how best to support people moving from treatment to adoption and are hoping to run a one day workshop later in the year. Run by Anya Sizer, our Regional Organiser for London, who went through several rounds of IVF and then adopted her son, will use…

Fertility Network UK is on the move!

Fertility Network have been busy this last month, preparing for the relocation to our new head office. After 14 eventful years at Charter House in Bexhill, we moving to London. The new Fertility Network UK head office location Our details of our new location are: Address 20 Egerton Drive Greenwich…

The Fertility Show – tickets now on sale!

Whether you are just thinking about starting a family or have been trying for a while, visit The Fertility Show for advice, information and support to help you on your journey. Tickets are now on sale, to book yours visit  The Fertility Show website.

Spread the word #IVFis40

We would very much appreciate it if you would help to spread the word about #IVFis40 - one of the key messages of this year’s National Fertility Awareness Week 30 Oct – 5 Nov 2017. On 10 November 1977, IVF worked: nine months later on 25 July 1978, the world's…

Wales Fertility Options Day – A Way Forward

When: 9 September 2017, 10am – 3pm Where: Sachville Avenue, Cardiff CF14 3NY #fertilitywales2017 – Fertility Network Wales are holding the second annual Wales Fertility Options Day. The event will offer free access to a range of fertility specialists from all over the UK and Europe. Finding help and information about fertility issues…