Trying To Conceive

Stricter access criteria for NHS IVF in Richmond

From 1 Aug 2017, Richmond clinical commissioning (CCG) is introducing stricter  criteria for access to NHS IVF. Richmond CCG currently offers just one partial NHS fertility treatment cycle (one fresh cycle and up to two frozen transfers) for women under 40 . From 1 August 2017, women under 40 will…

Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire CCGs plans to cut access to NHS IVF

Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) are asking for feedback regarding their plans to radically change the criteria regarding who can access NHS IVF services in their area, and the way that NHS fertility treatment is accessed. These CCGs currently provide just one NHS IVF cycle…

Add on fertility treatments – we need your experience and views

The Human Fertilisation Embryology Authority, together with Fertility Network UK is seeking your views about add on fertility treatments in a short online survey at If you are having fertility treatment, you may be offered additions to your treatment which aim to increase the success rate. These additional treatments,…

Did you know there is a new HFEA website?

The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority are the UK's independent regulator overseeing the use of gametes and embryos in fertility treatment and research. The HFEA licenses fertility clinics and centres carrying out in vitro fertilisation (IVF), other assisted conception procedures and human embryo research. The site offers: Impartial and up-to-date information All-new Choose a Fertility…

3 Worcestershire CCGs cuts NHS IVF

Three Worcestershire CCGs - Redditch and Bromsgrove, South Worcestershire and Wyre Forest - have cut the number of NHS IVF cycles they offer from 2 to 1 following a public consultation. If you are affected by this decision and are happy to talk to the media about it in order…

Herts Valleys CCG NHS IVF suspension; plans to cut services

Herts Valleys CCG has suspended NHS IVF for six months while it and 2 other CCGs - East and North Hertfordshire CCG and West Essex CCG - consult on cutting all NHS IVF. The public consultation runs from 6 July to 11 September. Susan Seenan, chief executive of Fertility Network…

Same-sex couples’ online fertility group launches

Fertility Network UK is launching a new fertility group for couples in a same-sex relationship undergoing fertility treatment, or considering their fertility options. The group will initially offer peer support online, with face-to-face meetings coordinated by Fertility Network UK later in the year. This is the first official fertility group…

Bristol Centre for Reproductive Medicine changes update

From the end of November 2017, North Bristol trust will no longer provide specialist fertility services such as IVF and ICSI from the Bristol Centre for Reproductive Medicine (BCRM) at Southmead hospital in Bristol. A decision will be made in the coming months about who will be the new provider…

Swindon CCG slashes NHS IVF

Swindon CCG has cut the number of NHS IVF cycles it offers from 3 to 1 partial cycle, effective from 1 April 2017. Eligible women under 40 can now only access either 3 intrauterine insemination (IUI) cycles or 1 partial IVF/ICSI cycle; the IVF/ICSI consists of a maximum of 3…

Herts Valleys NHS IVF cuts

Do you live in the west Herts area? Herts Valleys CCG is consulting on whether to cut NHS IVF services. To protect against this, please attend a public meeting on either 26 June 7-9pm Penn Chambers, Three Rivers House, Northway, Rickmansworth WD3 1RL, or 24 Jul 7-9pm Stanborough Centre, St…

Thank you CREATE Fertility

Huge thanks to Geeta Nargund at CREATE Fertility for being the first clinic to contribute to Fertility Network UK's vital London regional organiser post. The role is key in providing practical and emotional support, advice and information for anyone considering, receiving or having completed fertility treatment in the area. The support includes helping…

Facing Father’s Day

Father’s Day can be one of the most difficult days of the year when you are not a father – by circumstance not choice. It is hard to avoid the wall-to-wall celebration and commercialisation of fatherhood: the adverts on TV, the cards in shops, the posts on social media. If…

New Online Groups England

Fertility Network UK has recently launched three new online support groups: A secondary infertility group:  We have a new group for parents who are experiencing fertility problems which will meet online once every other month. If you would like to join the group or to find out more about it,…

Volunteers’ Week is here!

Happy Volunteer’s Week to the outstanding Fertility Network volunteers we have the pleasure to work with. We have volunteers across the UK who kindly donate their time to support those with fertility issues in their local communities. Our volunteers provide peer support by running local support groups and our Main…

N.Ireland Co-ordinator working with Human Rights Commission

The N. Ireland Co-ordinator is working with legal representatives and the Human Rights Commission to challenge the inadequate NHS criteria for IVF fertility treatment for same sex couples. Fertility Network UK, on behalf of our Service Users, are keen to see movement in N. Ireland towards full implementation of the…

Scottish Fertility Options day a success!

Fertility Network Scotland were delighted to organise and host our annual Scottish Fertility Options day on Saturday 6th May 2017 in Glasgow. Information is vital no matter where you are on your journey and being informed will help you cope better with the ‘Fertility Rollercoaster’.  It brings people together who…

Fertility hope as scientists hail ‘world first’ in sperm selection

Fertility experts are hailing a new sperm selection technique which identifies the best sperm to use in fertility treatment as a 'world first'. Professor Allan Pacey, fertility expert from the University of Sheffield, who was part of the team involved in the new research, said: 'To potentially have a technique…

Gaps in UK fertility treatment push patients abroad

Fertility patients’ inability to access NHS IVF coupled with the high cost of private treatment are the key drivers for seeking IVF overseas, according to a joint survey from Fertility Clinics Abroad, an online information hub for people seeking fertility treatment in Europe and Fertility Network UK, the leading patient fertility…

Thorns & Flowers: Infertility experiences of Black and Minority Ethnic Women

This project was carried out by an interdisciplinary team of female researchers at Cardiff and Aberystwyth and set out to explore the use of an arts & drawing workshop to understand the infertility experiences of Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) Women. The team are now pleased to announce that the booklet…

Cheshire CCGs slash NHS IVF

Published 10th May 2017 West, East and South Cheshire and Vale Royal clinical commissioning groups are cutting the number of NHS-funded IVF cycles from 3 to 1, with some clinical exceptions, and introducing stricter eligibility criteria for access, with effect from 28 April. The cuts affect existing patients as well…