Our free online community is a place where you can find peer to peer support from others who are facing the challenges of childlessness.
Our free online community is a place where you can find peer to peer support from others who are facing the challenges of childlessness.
At Fertility Network we want to make sure that you find the right community for your current needs. Please choose carefully from the choices below to maintain a safe space for all.
If you would rather not talk over the phone or face-to-face, our online community may provide the support you need. On HealthUnlocked you can share your thoughts and get support from others who are facing similar situations 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
If still trying to conceive, please join our other dedicated HealthUnlocked community.
We have a closed Facebook support group for our More To Life community across the UK, for more information and to join the groups:
For Scotland, England and Wales click here.
In Northern Ireland there is a group where members have a WhatsApp group, virtual meet-ups and hopefully soon a ‘Walk and chat’ meet-up at the beach. For information about the More to Life support group in Northern Ireland contact hilary@fertilitynetworkuk.org or rachel@fertilitynetworkuk.org
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