It is important our children know about themselves, their history, family and beginnings not only following adoption, but also following assisted conception.

How and when you choose to have this discussion with your children is a matter of personal choice but help is available should you need it.

At some point you will probably want to introduce the concept of assisted conception to your child. You know your child better than anyone and will have a clearer idea on when the best time is for that conversation. Our advice is to be factual and open, which allows little room for fantasy which can lead to unrealistic or negative thoughts developing as your child grows older.

Our information fact sheet gives advice and support on how to tell your children of the help you received to have them.

If your child was donor-conceived then it’s also worth looking at the Donor Conception Network website, they have detailed information on talking to your child, along with workshops and books which may help.There is advice available from the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority too. Follow the links below to visit these websites.

Useful Links