LGBTQ+ Pathways to Parenthood 6 Week Course
7 Aug 2024
6-Week Course from Wednesday 3rd July, weekly at 7pm
The course offers free digital access to expert opinion and advice from our excellent guest speakers on the pathways to parenthood for those in the LGBTQ+ community. The course is for 6 consecutive weeks on a Wednesday at 7pm via Zoom and you will need to be able to commit to all 6 sessions of the course.
Our topics and guest speakers for this course include: ·
3rd July: Fertility treatment processes and what to expect at the clinic, with Carole Gilling Smith, CEO & Medical Director at the Agora Clinic
10th July: Adoption with Adoption UK
17th July: Legal Implications for Modern Families, with Natalie Gamble, NGA Law & Brilliant Beginnings
24th July: Donor conception support with Nina Barnsley, Director at the Donor Conception Network
31st July: TBC
7th August: Real Stories – hear from LGBTQ+ families and their own personal experiences with Michael from TwoDads UK, Hayley from All Things Donor Conception and Kayleigh and Meg from @ourlittlegaylife
Sign up here
or email for more information