Walk & Talk Support Group, Bute Park – Cardiff
4 Nov 2023
Join us for a first Walk and Talk support group for anyone who is struggling to conceive. Our Walk & Talk groups are a space for people to receive peer to peer support and be joined by Fertility Network UK staff to help support you, as well as professionals in the field who can help answer some of your questions. We hope receiving this support outside whilst having a gentle stroll will be positive for your wellbeing.
- Time: 11am Meeting Location: Summerhouse Café, Bute Park, Cardiff (what3words: town.curiosity.trail)
- Cost: Free
- Who can attend: Anyone on a fertility journey
- Important: We are aware of the need to be discreet and so FNUK staff will not be in branded uniform. This will be an informal group walk.
Please note the walk will be a gentle 5k stroll through the park. There is no playground in Bute Park and the entire walk is suitable for those who use a wheelchair. Bute Park is accessible by public transport. Directions can be found here on their website.
For more information, and to let us know if you hope to join us, please email: bethan@fertilitynetworkuk.org (Please note you can also just turn up on the day without registering first.)
Join the closed Facebook groups:
- South & West Wales here (13) South & West Wales Fertility Group | Facebook
- Shropshire & Mid Wales here (13) Shropshire & Mid Wales Fertility Group | Facebook
- North Wales here (13) North Wales Fertility Group | Facebook