About Us

Fertility Network UK is the nation’s leading patient-focused fertility charity. We are a small independent charity working hard to help the 3.5 million people in the United Kingdom affected by the devastation and pain fertility issues create. Our support includes practical emotional support for people who are considering their future fertility; trying to become parents; facing the challenges of childlessness; are successful after fertility problems; and those needing help to access NHS-funded fertility treatment.

As the patient voice in the campaign for equitable access to NHS fertility treatment in the UK we co-chair campaign group Fertility Fairness, and ensure that the issues which matter to patients are heard by politicians, policy-makers and health commissioners. We work with the media and use social media to raise public awareness of all aspects of fertility issues. Our education project (in Wales) raises awareness of the importance of fertility education in protecting and maintaining future fertility and highlights some practical steps young people can take to help protect their future fertility.  We support organisations with improving workplace understanding of fertility challenges through our Fertility in the Workplace.  Through a small group of staff and volunteers, we provide a network of support groups both locally and online and access to a helpline for support, which includes the opportunity to speak with a fertility nurse.

We have come to a time of board change and are seeking to recruit trustees to join our Board. It’s an exciting time for the charity and your opportunity to influence its strategic direction.

About the Role

We are a small dedicated board and our goal is to expand it, not only in skill set but in diversity.  We really want our board of trustees to represent our community.  We’d love to hear people with a wide range of skills and from all ages and backgrounds.  The board is very aware that it needs to be ready to not only interact with people today in the way that they need, but with upcoming generations that will need the support and services of the charity.

Trustees have overall oversight of the charity.  They are not involved in the day-to-day running the charity which is for the charity’s staff and volunteers.  However, the board decides the approach the charity will take and its future direction.  It ensures that it has policies and procedures to comply with its legal obligations.  The board provides support, ideas and constructive challenge to the staff team to test thinking and help the charity be the best it can.  You can read a summary of the duties that trustees have here.

We are currently looking for new trustees that have skills or experience in one or more of the following areas.   If you don’t have these skills yet you believe that your background and skills are useful and you are interested in joining our board, please do still get in touch.

  • Accountancy experience.
  • HR experience.
  • Legal experience.
  • Campaigning/lobbying.
  • Developing and leading a programme of change.
  • Digital – provide leadership on digital’s role in fundraising, marketing, communications, service delivery and operations and help build and implement this vision.
  • Setting up or advising a start-up company.
  • Clinical knowledge/experience in relation to fertility.
  • Experience of sitting on a board of trustees.

This is a great opportunity for someone looking for professional development and wishing to help shape the charity’s future and make a real difference to peoples’ lives.

You’ll embody our values and be willing and able to represent the charity at events and with stakeholders. Ideally the successful candidate will have social and/or business networks they are willing to use to help further our ambitions, have strong interpersonal and communication skills, and be able to challenge.

This is an unremunerated role. What we can offer is a role which is fascinating and immensely rewarding – working with a dynamic and committed Board.  It is a great opportunity to help create the future and make the journey of dealing with fertility challenges easier not only today but for future generations.

How to apply

To apply, send your cv and a covering letter to: office@fertilitynetworkuk.org

Application Pack -Trustee 2024

FNUK Recruitment Monitoring Sheet

Guidance Notes 2017

Equal Opportunities Policy – July 22

Fertility Network | Our Trustees | Fertility Network (fertilitynetworkuk.org)