Help save NHS IVF: join the digital debate now

From now until 16 January you can help inform an MP debate on the future of NHS IVF by having your say online

Go to to have your chance to share your experiences and thoughts on the future of NHS fertility services.
Is it fair that IVF access should be determined by a series of local rationing and budgetary decisions or is it a medical entitlement that should be available to all?
MPs will debate the decommissioning of IVF and other NHS fertility services on Thursday 19 January at 1.30pm and invite you to share your comments with them via the Facebook digital debate page from 9 January through to 16 January to inform the debate.
In addition, join the debate live on Monday 16 January from 4.30 – 5.30pm when Steve McCabe MP, co-sponsor of the debate, will be joining the discussion and responding to your comments.
Start posting your comments now at